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Stunning Impeachment Confession: GOP Preps Defense Amid Ukraine Bribery Admission | MSNBC
‘Stunt’ Men: GOP On Defense As Damning Ukraine Testimony Goes Public | MSNBC
Smoking Gun Nightmare: Trump Ally Now ‘Recalls’ Ukraine Bribery Plot, An Impeachable Offense | MSNBC
GOP Scrambles As ‘Damning’ Transcripts Released - The Day That Was | MSNBC
Trump Bribery Breakdown: Ari Melber Shows Witnesses Turning On Trump | MSNBC
‘Off The Rails!’: Trump Defenders Go ‘Full Mulvaney’ As Bribery Testimony Demolishes Trump | MSNBC
Ari Melber: New Impeachment Witness ‘Blows The Whistle’ On Bribery, An Impeachable Offense | MSNBC
Top U.S. Diplomat To Ukraine Ties President Donald Trump To Quid Pro Quo | The Last Word | MSNBC
Trump Impeachment Defense Erodes as Details Emerge on Giuliani’s Role
‘Shocked’ And ‘Threatened’: Dems Go Public With Trump Impeachment Bomb | MSNBC
Trump Embarrassment: White House Officials Resign As Dems Prep New Impeachment Hearings | MSNBC
Key Impeachment Witness Changes Testimony, Describes Quid Pro Quo | The 11th Hour | MSNBC